Patrick McCalla

What you read, listen to, watch, talk and think about today will either empower or restrict you tomorrow. It will either become a springboard launching you to your next level or a cell imprisoning you where you are.

Choose wisely.

You and I never remain stagnant. We either grow or decline. We become better or bitter. We move forward or backward.

By simply changing the question you ask yourself, you demonstrate one of the most powerful ways to move forward. Too often, our days and weeks become immersed in the question, “What do I need to get done?”. This leads to a litany of checklists and tasks that often hold little value in making us better.

Change the question.

Move from “What do I need to get done?” to “Who do I want to become?”. Imagine the difference in your decision-making process and “to do” lists if we simply changed the question.

Consequently, changing the question does not need to become overly complicated. Perhaps begin with these 3 simple steps:

  1. List 2 to 3 things describing who you want to become? (i.e., an inspiring leader, a better
    parent, a healthier individual, a better speaker…)
  2. Identify several people, things, and/or activities that are your replenishers and will lead
    you toward becoming WHO you want to become.
  3. Block off time on your calendar each day to make this possible.
Who do you want to become? Answer the question, recognize the individuals and/or activities that will get you there, and make time to do it. Simple, not always easy, but worth it.

For more on this idea listen to episode 26, as Fire Chief Danny Johnson unpacks the importance for any individual or leader to take care of themselves – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.